
Algotom is installable across operating systems (Windows, Ubuntu, Mac) and works with Python >=3.7. To install:

From source

Clone the Algotom from GitHub repository:

git clone algotom

Download and install Miniconda software:

conda create -n algotom python=3.7
conda activate algotom
cd algotom
python install

Using conda

Install Miniconda as instructed above, then:

If install to an existing environment:

conda install -c algotom algotom

If install to a new environment:

conda create -n algotom python=3.7
conda activate algotom
conda install -c algotom algotom

Using pip

Install Miniconda as instructed above.

If install to an existing environment:

pip install algotom`

If install to a new environment:

conda create -n algotom python=3.7
conda activate algotom
pip install algotom